Al's Robotics.... The Robux Project

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Robux Links

Qtronics Design, technical sponsors of the Robux project Qtronics Design - Electronics & Firmware Design

Qtronics Design is providing circuit, firmware and PCB designs for our open source project, a big thanks go out to them


On this page you find useful information and similar projects links. if you have a link that you think should be added to this page, please contact us at


Article on Linux robots from around the globe, presented by Linux Device Driver, see


The Idea: Turn this webcam into a nice little robot on tank tracks, running embedded linux, and communicating via 802.11b wireless LAN.
Why? find out at:


The LinuxBot: A Wireless Web-server on Wheels!


The Rossum Project is an attempt to help.

Our goal is to collect, develop, and distribute software for for robotics applications. Over the last few years, open-source and free software initiatives have given computer users a remarkable collection of tools and capabilities. We hope to extend the same kind collaboration to the development of robotic software. To do so, we need your help...

Welcome to the homepage of the Open Automaton Project (OAP). The purpose of this project is to engineer modular software and electronic components, from which it is possible to assemble an intelligent PC-based mobile robot suitable for home or office environments.


The Robotic Operating System, ROS, is intended to operate at the center of behavior-based robotics systems. It provides the service of starting, stopping, and facilitating communications between behaviors. The ROS project includes source code for ROS programs and defines several communications XML data formats. The operating system consists of a set of a executable files that should compile and run on most UNIX-like systems. These programs are configured by XML formatted text files.



What is Orca?
Orca is an open-source framework for developing component-based robotic systems. It provides the means for defining and developing the building-blocks which can be pieced together to form arbitrarily complex robotic systems, from single vehicles to distributed sensor networks.



The Player/Stage Project
Open Source development tools for robot and sensor applications



MonoSLAM perform real-time visual SLAM with the humanoid robot HRP2


The Leaf Project is a group robot development program. The objective is to develop a robot platform that supports experiments with Artificial Intelligence, vision, navigation etc. For more, see


Mavis is computer-vision software for mobile robots. It's part of an ongoing, group robotics project, called Leaf. Its API is task oriented, and the vision tasks it performs are those we have needed for our robots: locate homebase, detect obstacles, and so on. Mavis runs on Windows XP (the OS that Leaf uses). Its interface is implemented as a separate dll, so mavis users can develop in any language that links to dlls, including C/C++, VisualBasic, Java, Lisp, Prolog, or Forth. More at


Robux Builders Links <-- i've finally made a start on my version of the robux, once i finish the basic chassis i'll write up a little something for on the main site :)


Home Automation Hardware / software and solutions

Remote control GSM solutions

Robotic Webs - A Valuable Robotic Directory and Information Resource








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